Award-winning author Onjali Q. Rauf visits TJS
Award-winning author, Onjali Q. Rauf, visits TJS on February 6th, inspiring the children and teachers alike!
Award-winning author, Onjali Q. Rauf, visits TJS on February 6th, inspiring the children and teachers alike!
Famous author Tom Fletcher visits the area – TJS have the chance to join in!
Turnfurlong Junior School and The Grange have both held events to raise money for Macmillan as part of the nationwide Coffee Morning events.
Schools across ALPS came together in June to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Students and teachers collaborated on a number of projects involving music, art and dance.
On 8th July pupils from Turnfurlong Junior School took part in the annual French Factor competition, performing in front of the school and guest judges from surrounding secondary schools.
On Friday 10th June, the children at Turnfurlong Infant School joined our friends at Turnfurlong Junior School and local councillors to ask drivers to be more considerate.
What an amazing time Year 3 and Year 2 pupils from Turnfurlong Junior School and Turnfurlong Infant School had on 9th June when author Olaf Falafel popped in to talk to the children.
Turnfurlong Junior School recently welcomed the amazing Onajli Rauf virtually into school on their postponed World Book Day 2021. Onajli had quite a tale to tell and certainly inspired many of the children (and adults) listening and chatting with her! She is a winner of the Blue Peter Book award Read more…